Monday, September 25, 2017

The Slide from Incivility to Cowardly

A few years back I made a social media post which rankled one of my FB friends (who I had known in person long before FB),  and rather than approach me about it, she went to my boss who she knew. I was completely blindsided.  I was (and remain) supremely angry with her.

The internet has evolved…but not for the better.  A year or so ago, some other FB friend made some horrible remarks.  As a result some random person from Canada decided to make a post on my FB page. That’s pretty intrusive. I unfriended her not because of him (I blocked him) but because of her.  

Today, someone irate over another person’s social media post spent time  trolling the poster’s friends and leading a serious, threatening attack on an innocent person.  This crosses a line. You can argue , debate, even name call  (if you were raised that way), but making threats against a person, friends, family, livelihood is cowardly and thuggish.

The first lesson is one for all of us: we have too many friends on FB (and other platforms) that we just don’t really know. It is okay to say “no thanks” and not accept every request. I think LinkedIn is the world’s center of all spam now and some distorted people consider it a dating site. Social media is not a fun, little game anymore.

Second lesson, there is no right side of history if you cross the line from argument to threats; at that point you are neither progressive nor conservative, but simply a cretin.

Third, be careful about hero worshiping the activist du jour ordained by the media/social media; this one dimensional portrait will hide a sea of flaws and possibly malicious intent.

The world is full of opinions. You may or may not be proved right in the long run.  Try not to damage yourself or others in the proving. Some words and actions cannot be undone, and you may want to live in the same town for a few more years.