I spent all day working in a clinic to keep as many people as possible safe, only to have a guy walk up to me in Home Depot, no mask, two feet from my face, to tell me I was wasting my time wearing a mask, that the whole virus thing was political shenanigans. Wow. Thanks.
I am hunky dory fine with people having different opinions & views and even embracing looney tunes conspiracy theories, go for it, enjoy , but do not be so disrespectful of me as to literally get in my face, uninvited, out of the blue, Jack.
Here's the thing we've all been grappling with: do you defriend or just unfollow being people being irresponsible on social media?
Oh wait, we are no longer dealing with that - we are dealing with people being jerks in hardware stores two feet from you. Well, one answers the other - I have defriended this doddering malcontent on FB and will steer clear, far clear, should I see him in public again.
Sorry to end the day with an angry post but people need some sort of respect for boundaries.