Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Too Much Information

TMI. More than you really wanted to know. We occasionally run into that in the workplace, check out lines in stores, restaurants, any place to people might share a bit more than we are comfortable with.  Of course, no where do you see this more than on Facebook – not just food photos (guilty as charged) but diatribes about ex-spouses, political views, and so very much more. Way too much.

I  remember letters with stamps. I remember when email was new and novel. I remember Myspace, Plaxo,   and the opening of Facebook to non-students. I remember when Twitter got overloaded and the whale symbol went up. Seen that lately? No.  Of course Google+ is still out there even though no one cares and then what happened with Ello, the next big thing?

The thing is we now have a real time debate with no real consequences for chucking civility. It is an angerfest, an axe grinding marathon, and sad mess. I’m taking a break for a week or month or  year or who knows. I am sorry if you enjoyed my event photos and will miss them (and congratulations to the folks who hated them and no longer have  to endure them).

If you want to hear about my adventures, I will post to this blog..but you will have to be proactive in looking me up, I will not be in your face on Facebook! For now.

And I am looking forward to less screen time and dusting off  my books, magazines, and the remote for TV news.

So happy posting to you and if you need me, FB messaging will probably not be as effective as an email or , gasp, a phone call. Hello?

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